Leon Yen

Leon Yen is a Silicon Valley-based technology professional with over two decades of experience working with both startups and enterprises. As a writer, he’s contributed to IBM, Fortinet, Cisco, and Symantec web properties, to name a few, as well as online publications like BigThink and Datamation. He holds a B.S. in information systems management from the University of San Francisco and an M.B.A. from UNC Charlotte

IoT in Smart Cities

Though it may not be readily apparent, today’s major cities and metropolitan regions are highly connected and data-driven. Upon closer inspection, a myriad of monitoring devices and sensors can be seen providing...

Internet of Things (IoT) in Retail

A quick trip to the local supermarket, big box store, or comparable brick-and-mortar establishment will reveal how pervasive the Internet of Things (IoT) has become in retail. However, self-checkout kiosks and hyper-personalized...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Finance

The domain of finance has long been highly active in artificial intelligence (AI) research and implementation. In fact, the financial sector was already involved in developing innovations around Bayesian statistics, a staple...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Care

Out of all the industries that stand to benefit from artificial intelligence (AI), health care is arguably the most universally crucial and relevant. The recent accelerated COVID-19 vaccine development efforts are just a...

Cloud Security Market

The 2020 SolarWinds cyber attack is widely considered one of the worst security incidents in recent years and — after the smoke clears (investigations are still ongoing) — will likely take the...

Network Security Market

IT futurists have long predicted the eventual disappearance of the so-called perimeter, but the truth is that physical networks — and the solutions for securing them — are far from their last...

Cloud Database Trends

At Oracle OpenWorld 2019, Larry Ellison made a pledge that his company would bring to market the world’s first autonomous cloud: databases, infrastructure, and other IT services bundled in an integrated cloud...

Public Cloud Market Trends

It’s official: the cloud is now above the clouds. Microsoft recently announced the connecting of Azure to the International Space Station (ISS), enabling crew onboard to leverage public cloud resources for AI-powered...

On Premises vs. Cloud

2020 was a watershed year for cloud service providers: for the first time since the advent of cloud computing, enterprise spending on cloud services dwarfed on-premises spending, marking what pundits believe is...

Data Visualization Trends

From prehistoric cave paintings to the pictogram-based writing systems of the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, the affinity for codifying information as visuals has been a defining, persistent characteristic of human behavior.  Many contemporary...

Data Modeling Trends

With global data creation increasing at unprecedented rates, collection is more often a trivial task: computers, smartphones, and any number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices — 30.9 billion at last count —...

Database Trends

With more data created in the last couple years than in humankind’s entire history, the need to effectively manage, manipulate, and secure these information assets has never been more critical. This demand ...

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